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Plain Language
The Official DoD Plain Language Website
The Plain Writing Act of 2010 requires federal agencies to write "clear Government communication that the public can understand and use." President Obama also emphasized the importance of establishing "a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration" in his January 21, 2009, Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government.
The Department of Defense is committed to writing new documents in plain language, using the Federal Plain Language Guidelines in accordance with the Office Management and Budget Memorandum M_11-15, "Final Guidance on Implementing the Plain Writing Act of 2010."
Mr. Michael L. Rhodes, Director of Administration, Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO), is the Senior DoD Official for plain language and has issued DA&M Memorandum OSD 13949-11, "Requirements and Initial Implementation of Public Law 111-74, "Plain Writing Act of 2010," (the Act) in the Department of Defense (DoD)".
Plain Language Committee
DoD has organized a committee of Plain Language points of contact from different Components and organizations within DoD to:
- Assist in the review and revision of policy and guidance.
- Monitor DoD compliance with the Plain Writing Act.
- Share best practices and resources.