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For questions or inquiries, please call our Customer Support line at: 703-614-5001. Email is the preferred method of receiving requests. Please email requests to the DOPSR office inbox at:
Please note: Due to an increased number of submissions, book-length manuscript reviews are currently taking several months. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please ensure adequate time for a prepublication security and policy review prior to committing to any publishing deadlines or sending the manuscript to a person or organization for endorsement.
Please note that this office can only accept submissions via email, paper copy, or on CD/DVD. Flash, thumb, and jump drives are not accepted and documents submitted on these devices will not be processed.
Please note that email submissions have an attachment limit of 25 MB. If your electronic submission exceeds 25 MB, please submit your documents in paper copy or on CD/DVD.
Requestors from within DoD must submit using a completed DD1910 signed by someone in the author's leadership chain. DOPSR is unable to accept DD1910s signed by the author. Anyone in the author's leadership chain authorized to sign general correspondence can sign the DD1910. Former DoD members or DoD members writing outside their DoD duties, may submit using a cover letter or email message that includes the author's contact information and the publication plan, if any, for the document. Documents for Congress must be submitted using the DD1587 or DD1790. Private sector corporations must submit items for review via cover letter.
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