Serve as the DoD central liaison with the Comptroller General of the United States on all matters concerning Government Accountability Office (GAO) surveys, reviews, reports, and activities.
Designate appropriate DoD Components as the Primary Action Office (PAO) and collateral action offices (CAOs) to work with the GAO during the conduct of reviews within the Department of Defense (DoD) to ensure appropriate representation of the views and interests of the Secretary of Defense.
Develop DoD guidance regarding how the DoD interacts with the GAO during GAO surveys, reviews, reports, and other audit activities with DoD.
Monitor and distribute information regarding GAO activities with a view toward avoiding duplication and ensuring effective coordination and cooperation. Coordinate DoD replies to GAO reports; facilitate resolution of issues and authorize release of the response to the GAO and the Congress.
Inform DoD officials of significant GAO planned and ongoing efforts, and reports
Facilitate resolution of disagreements between Office of the Secretary of Defense Principal Staff Assistants, the Heads of DoD Components, and GAO regarding GAO surveys, reviews, reports, or activities, and elevate unresolved matters through the Washington Headquarters Services and Deputy Chief Management Officer of the DoD to the Secretary of Defense or Deputy Secretary of Defense for a decision as appropriate.
Monitor and track the implementation of GAO recommendations.