DoD Issuances

The Official Department of Defense Website for DoD Issuances



Recent DoD Issuances

The recent publications webpage lists the newest DoD Issuances.

DoD Issuances Cancellation Database

Digital copies of cancelled DoD Issuances can be downloaded at the Cancellations Database. Valid DoD CAC required.


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Issuance Templates & Standards

Download supporting documents and standards for writing DoD Issuances.

DoD Issuances Portal System

The DoD issuances Portal System is available to registered users at (unclassified) 

DoD Issuance Process

The issuance process provides guidance for OSD Component action officers and focal points who are creating, reissuing, changing, or cancelling DoD issuances.

SPM & Memorandums

Proceed to Secretary Policy (SPM) and other Memorandums. Access requires valid DoD CAC.