DoD Forms Management Program

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Secretary of Defense (SD) Forms Inventory (updated 10/2/2024)

Form Availability

If the form number does not have a hyperlink, the form is not available electronically. To obtain hard copies of current forms not available in electronic format, please contact your own Military Service or DoD Component Forms Management Officer. Cancelled forms are not available in electronic formats. Here is a list of Forms Management POCs.

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Title Edition Date Controlled
SD32-1 Classified Control Section (CCS) Control and Destruction Sheet, OSD  1/1/1976 Yes WHS
SD37 Office of the Secretary of Defense Request for Nomination and Position Description of Military Personnel (Stocked & Issued by WHS/HRD)  4/1/2013 Yes P&R
SD120 Receipt for Classified Material, OSD  7/1/1985 Yes WHS
SD225 OSD/WHS Personnel Out-Processing Checklist  3/31/2023 No WHS
SD373 Directorate for Freedom of Information And Security Review (DFOISR) Coordination Record 12/1/1999 Yes WHS
SD391 Secretary of Defense Correspondence Action Report  10/1/2009 No WHS
SD403 Directorate for Freedom of Information and Security Review (DFOISR) Reviewer's Worksheet 12/1/1999 Yes WHS
SD416 Security Termination Statement, Department of Defense  10/1/1964 Yes USD(I&S)
SD426 Certification of Defense Records for Court Use  4/1/2011 Yes WHS
SD436 Conditions of Employment for Experts and Consultants  9/1/2011 No WHS
SD466 Freedom of Information Action (Stocked and Issued By OFOISR) 7/1/2005 Yes WHS
SD472 Request Information Sheet 7/14/2022 No WHS
SD477 Fund Authorization  2/1/1992 No WHS
SD481 Individual Development Plan 3/18/2019 No WHS
SD511 Suspense Slip  7/1/1983 Yes ASD(HA)
SD512 Job Analysis Form  8/1/1983 No WHS
SD554 Quarterly Report on Experts and Consultants  2/1/1988 Yes WHS
SD559 Leased Building Inspection Report, Office of the Secretary of Defense  9/1/1988 Yes WHS
SD561 Accountable Communications Receipt, USD(P)  8/1/1990 Yes POL
SD572 Cryptographic Access Certification and Termination  6/1/2000 No CIO, DoD
SD812 DoD Acquisition Position Description Coding Sheet (APDCS)  3/1/1997 No WHS
SD813 DoD Acquisition Workforce Qualifications Coding Sheet (AWQCS)  3/1/1997 No WHS
SD814 Critical Acquisition Position Service Agreement  3/1/1997 No WHS
SD816 Application for Department of Defense Impact Aid for Children with Severe Disabilities for School Year 20__-20__ 3/1/2018 No P&R
SD816C Application for Department of Defense Impact Aid for Children with Severe Disabilities for School Year 20__-20__ (Continuation Sheet) 3/1/2018 No P&R
SD817 Traveler's Request for Premium-Class Travel 5/22/2024 No WHS
SD819 OSD/WHS In-Processing Checklist  3/31/2023 No WHS
SD820 OSD/WHS Security Management Out-Processing Checklist  3/31/2023 No WHS
SD821 Separating Personnel Records Accountability Checklist - Senior Officials of OSD, The OSD Components, Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities 11/13/2023 No WHS
SD822 Separating Personnel Records Accountability Checklist - OSD Civilian Employees, DoD Service Members, and Contractors 11/13/2023 No WHS
SD823 Division/Branch/Office Standardized Record and Information Program Evaluation Form 6/1/2021 No WHS
SD824 OSD/JCS/WHA Civilian Fitness Wellness Program (CFWP) Wellness Agreement 8/1/2013 No WHS
SD825 Gift Agreement 8/1/2011 Yes WHS
SD827 Confirmation of Request for Reasonable Accommodation 9/1/2019 No WHS
SD828 OSD Electronic Information System Appraisal Form 5/1/2013 No WHS
SD830 Office of the Secretary of Defense Confidential Conflict-of-Interest Statement for OSD Advisory Committee Members 4/30/2019 No OGC
SD832 OSD Records Inventory Form 8/31/2023 No WHS
SD833 Departing Employee Checklist Transfer of Records Between DoD/OSD Components 7/1/2015 No WHS
SD834 Disposition of Unauthorized Commitment 8/1/2016 No WHS
SD837 Non-Disclosure Agreement:  Protecting Unclassified Information 12/19/2019 Yes OGC