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A Form is defined as an officially prescribed set of data collected in any medium to support an information collection requirement.
Requirement for a new form? Contact your Component Forms Management Officer (FMO) for assistance. The current forms inventories should be checked to determine if there is a form already available. If not, the FMO can assist with forms process. Contact your FMO when revising an existing form.
The Action Officer (AO), with the FMO assistance, should initiate a DD Form 67, Form Processing Action Request, package.
Packaging will include, at a minimum
Contact your Component FMO regarding development and design of the draft form. The draft should be near final so Coordinators can make a determination regarding their program requirements. Provide the draft form when coordinating items 15 and 16 on the DD Form 67.
Mandatory internal mandatory coordination(s), item 15, are:
External Coordination and Concurrence, item 16, includes the coordination of each Military Service and DoD Component expected to use or currently using the form. These are the functional Points of Contact (POC) within the using organization.
When coordination are obtained, the AO certifies that the DD Form 67 is complete (item 17), then forwards to the AO Approving Official for signature (item 18). The DD Form 67 package is forwarded to the DoD Component FMO to certify (item 19) that the DD Form 67 is complete and recommends approval. Once signed, the Component FMO will forward the package to the DoD FMO for approval.
If approved, the DoD FMO will complete item 6, Edition Date, possibly item 10, Subject Group, and sign the DD Form 67 (item 20). The approved draft form will be forwarded to the Forms Designer to be finalized. The form will be added to the DoD forms inventory, and made available as identified on the DD Form 67. If it is to be uploaded to the DoD Forms Management Program web site, it will done at that time. The Form Information will be added or updated. If package is incomplete, it will be returned to the Military Service or DoD Component FMO.
The DoD FMO produces a distribution memo email to using Military Services and DoD Components FMOs identified in item 16. The approved DD Form 67 is included so the new/revised form information can be introduced into the Component forms inventories. The sponsoring FMO is included on the email as notification of approval and process completion.