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Stage 1: Requirement Determination and Initiation
1 A. OIM reviews Documents for Internal Information Collection Requirements
1 B. AO, IMCO, OPA and OIM adjudicate any questions or comments
Stage 2: Completing the Cost Estimate / CAPE
2 A. AO Completes a Cost Estimate Summary on the CAPE website and generates DD-2936
Stage 3: Package Preparation and Obtaining Mandatory Coordinators' Approval
3 A. AO Prepares Coordination Package (includes prescribing document, Justification Statement, Collection Instrument, and Cost Estimate)
3 B. IMCO Reviews Package and Confirms the Mandatory Coordinators Required
3 C. AO Obtains and Uploads Mandatory Coordinators’ Approval
Stage 4: Obtaining Respondent Coordination
4 A. AO Generates Summary Sheet (new package document) and sends to Required Requesting Component Official for Signature
4 B. AO Obtains and Uploads Respondent Coordination Concurrences
4 C. IMCO reviews the Completed Package and sends to OIM and OPA for review
Stage 5: OIM Review and Licensing
5 A. OIM Analyst Reviews Package (also adjudicates questions / comments with AO and / or IMCO if necessary)
5 B. DoD IC Officer Approves Collection
5 C. OIM Generates Report Control Symbol (RCS), activates the license to the Active Internal Collection List, and Notifies AO & IMCO