DoD Directives Division



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Who We Are

Welcome to the new Directives Division website. The Directives Division administers and operates the DoD Issuances Program, the DoD Information Collections Program, DOD Forms Management Program, GAO Affairs, and the DoD Plain Language Program for the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

DoD Information Collections Program

The DoD Information Collections Program oversees the management, control, and tracking of both DoD-Internal and public information collections.

Plain Language Program

The DoD Plain Language Programs pushes progress towards implementing the Plain Writing Act of 2010 within the Department of Defense.

SPM & Memorandums

Proceed to Secretary Policy (SPM) and other Memorandums. Access requires valid DoD CAC.

DoD Issuances Program

The DoD Issuances Program processes the documents that establish and implement DoD policy, called "DoD issuances." Issuance types include Instructions (DoDI), Directives (DoDD), Manuals (DoDM), Directive-Type Memorandums (DTM) & Administrative Instructions (AI).

DoD Forms Management

The DoD Forms Management Program manages the program policy and procedures for the creation, coordination, control, revision, cancellation, and approval of forms within the DoD.

GAO Affairs

GAO Affairs serves as the DoD central liaison with the Comptroller General of the United States on all matters concerning Government Accountability Office (GAO) surveys, reviews, reports, and activities.