DoD Issuances

The Official Department of Defense Website for DoD Issuances

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Issuance Process Graphic

Processing OCMO & WHS Issuances (updated 8/22/18)

  • Stage 1A: Draft the Issuance

    What You'll Do

    • Determine if your issuance is a directive, instruction, manual, administrative instruction, or directive-type memorandum.
    • For new issuances, assign a number using our guidelines. You will not need to assign a number if your issuance is a change or reissuance.
    • Follow the standards and use the Writing Style Guide and the Special Considerations Checklist while drafting your issuance.
    • If you have information collections or forms in you issuance (see the Special Considerations Checklist), review the DoD Information Collections and DoD Forms Management Program websites for help. 
    • Coordinate within your directorate (either AD, DBMA&O, DOC, OP&DSD, or PP&AD) to be sure all agree with the proposed issuance. See OCMO Coord Addresses, Tables 1 thru 3 for the CATMS trigraphs. 
    • Prepare a draft (unsigned) CMO Form 1 for OCMO Internal Coord and the DD Form 106.
    • Send the draft issuance and unsigned CMO Form 1 and DD Form 106 to us for review via email at (unclassified) or (classified).
    • We'll return the edited package to you through the DoD Issuances Portal for necessary revision. Contact you compliance analyst to discuss any questions or concerns. 

    Documents You'll Use

    Resources You'll Need

    Related Training /Additionl Info

    Security and Classification Information:

  • Send the issuance and OCMO Form 1 for OCMO Internal Coord to the Director or Deputy Director of your office for electronic signature of the CMO Form 1.
  • Route the signed CMO Form 1, a copy of the revised draft issuance, and a blank DD Form 818 in CATMS for OCMO coordination. See Table 4 in OCMO Coord Addresses .
  • Set the suspense date for coordination. Typically, it is a minimum of 10 work days, but may vary depending on the length and urgency of your issuance.
  • As OCMO directorates upload their responses in CATMS, check the list of OCMO Authorized Coordinators to confirm they are valid. Add the coordinators to your list of OCMO Coordinating Officials.
  • Consolidated all comments onto the DD Form 818-1, then adjudicate and revise your issuance accordingly. If you do not receive any comments, you do not have to prepare a DD Form 818-1. 

    Documents You'll Use

  • A revised clean copy (i.e., no track changes or comments) of your issuance
  • Signed CMO Form 1  for Internal Coord
  • DD Form 818 & DD Form 818-1
  • OCMO List of Coordinating Officials
  • Resources You'll Need
  • OCMO Coord Addresses
  • OCMO Authorized Coordinators
  • DoD Issuance Standards

  • Using the Issuance Template's MS Word Features
  • Writing Style Guide

    Related Training / Additional Info

  • DD Form 818 Training
  • Plain Writing Act of 2010
  • Security and Classified Information:

  • DoDD 5230.09
  • DoDI 5230.29
  • Information Security/Website Alert
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